


Our fee schedule

Rental of office, business or commercial premises renegotiation of lease - assignment of lease rights

In the event of completion of the transaction, the Agent's remuneration will be, unless otherwise stipulated in the mandate, :
30% of the annual rent excluding taxes and charges set forth in the lease, without taking into account any deductible or arrangement for payment of the rent.
Plus VAT and/or any tax applicable at the rate in force in France and abroad.
This remuneration will be borne in part or in full by the lessor and/or the lessee (and/or the assignor and/or the assignee) and will be payable on the day the transaction is effectively concluded.
The aforementioned percentage may be based on the economic rent, i.e., the average annual rent applicable over the first firm period of the lease, less franchises, trade discounts or financial arrangements.
The aforementioned percentage may be based on the rental savings obtained between the previously applicable rent and the new rent or between the presentation rent indicated in the mandate and the face or economic rent provided for in the lease.
Sale of office, business or commercial premises sale of land, transfer of shares, transfer of business assets

In the event of completion of the transaction, the Agent's remuneration will be, unless otherwise stipulated in the mandate, :
10 % of the sale price excluding duty or taxes appearing in the deed of sale.
Plus VAT and/or any tax applicable at the rate in force in France and abroad.
This remuneration shall be borne in part or in full by the seller and/or the purchaser (and/or the assignor and/or the assignee) and shall be payable on the date of the deed of sale or of the effective conclusion of the assignment.
Reimbursement of expenses incurred
(art.6.1 law N°70-9 of 2/01/70 and art 78.1 decree N° 72-678 of 20/07/72)

Independently of the transaction fees, the mandate may provide for the reimbursement by the principal of certain expenses incurred by the agent for the execution of its missions (advertising, billboards, mailings, brochures, travel expenses, etc...). This reimbursement will be made on the basis of a receipt in accordance with the terms and conditions prescribed by the mandate.
Fees for due diligence
(art.6.1 law N°70-9 of 2/01/70 and art 78.1 decree N° 72-678 of 20/07/72)

Prior to and independently of the actual conclusion of a real estate transaction, the mandate may provide in favor of the agent and at the expense of the principal, fees for specific missions (defined and priced by the mandate) distinct from marketing and/or intermediary missions.

PARIS FONCIÈRE ET TRANSACTION CONSEIL SAS share capital €1000 111 Avenue Victor Hugo 75784 PARIS CEDEX 16 - contact@parisftconseil.com
CT: CPI 7501 2018 000 023 453 - Siret 811 161 892 00013 - code APE 6831Z - VAT FR 31811161892 - RCP Sérénis n° VD 7.000.001/19893